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Orange Ginger Salad Dressing


6 tbsp. raw hazelnut butter or other raw nut butter

2 tbsp. sesame oil

Juice from 2 large or 4 small oranges (about 1 cup)

1½ tbsp. agave nectar or 4 dates

3 tbsp. nama shoyu

1 tsp. fresh ginger juice or ½ tsp. ginger powder or 1 tbsp. finely chopped onion*

A few shakes of cayenne powder (optional)

1-2 tbsp. fresh lemon juice (if the dressing is too sweet based on the sweetness of the oranges)


Makes approximately 2 cups



3/4 cup raw hazelnut butter or other raw nut butter

1/4 cup sesame oil

Juice from 4 large or 8 small oranges (about 2 cups)

3 tbsp. agave nectar or 8 dates

6 tbsp. nama shoyu

2 tsp. fresh ginger juice or 1 tsp. ginger powder or 2 tbsp. finely chopped onion*

A few shakes of cayenne powder (optional)

2-4 tbsp. fresh lemon juice (if the dressing is too sweet based on the sweetness of the oranges)


Makes approximately 4 cups



Blend all ingredients except lemon juice in a blender. If the result is too sweet, perhaps the orange juice was quite sweet; add some lemon juice to balance. Refrigerate.


This dressing probably works so well because it has most of the five tastes some say dishes (especially sauces) should have: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent. In particular, hazelnut butter is bitter and works magically in this recipe--highly advisable!


* If onion is chosen, call it "Orange Onion Salad Dressing"!

Source: Glenn Warren