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Lemon Ginger Blast


1 lemon, with the rind mostly cut off

1 apple

1½ tbsp. chopped ginger root

½ cup water

A few shakes of cayenne powder

Juice the apples and ginger, blend with the lemon, water, and cayenne in a blender. Or, blend all but the cayenne with the high-speed Vitamix® blender and put through a fine mesh strainer* (chinois, see picture below) or fine mesh bag** (see picture below). Return the juice to the blender, and blend in the cayenne.

Makes 1-1½ cups

* Should this link not work, search "strainer" or "chinois" on

** Should this link not work, search "bag" or "Nut Milk & Sprout Bag, Mesh" on


        Chinois (strainer)                               Fine Mesh Bag


Note: This is an "anti" drink: anti-oxidant, anti-parasitic, anti-fungal, etc., and ultimately means it's anti-aging. It gives strength, increases energy, and reduces appetite.

Source: Lou Corona