What about protein?


Why raw?

What about protein?

Volume of Food




This is undoubtedly the most common question asked of vegetarians.

It's a fair question given society's conventional education about protein.

Here's the interesting and pivotal point on this.

Proteins are complex chains of amino acids; you've likely heard that wording. Wikipedia states it as: Proteins are large biomolecules, or macromolecules, consisting of one or more long chains of amino acid residues.

Enzymes ARE amino acids, and enzymes are found in all raw foods, as explained on the home page here.

So, while we seek protein for protein's sake, what our bodies actually use from protein--the amino acids--are found in all raw plant foods.

However, eating cooked protein requires the body to break down the protein to usable amino acids, and that digestive process is deleterious to the body. Any amino acids found in animal proteins are substandard to those found in raw plant foods.

Tim VanOrden says it very well in his four-minute YouTube video, The Protein Myth, providing additional data points.



Questions or comments? Feel free to contact me: glenn@glennwarren.com