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Indian Salad Dressing


16 sprigs of cilantro, finely chopped

¼ cup fresh lemon juice

1 tsp. cumin

2 cloves garlic, finely chopped

Ginger, same amount as garlic, finely chopped

¾ tsp. salt

2 tsp. agave nectar or 4 dates*

Black pepper to taste

Cayenne pepper to taste

1 cup cold-pressed macadamia nut oil (Cold-pressed corn oil and cold-pressed olive oil are options.)


Makes approximately 1½ cups



32 sprigs of cilantro, finely chopped

½ cup fresh lemon juice

2 tsp. cumin

4 cloves garlic, finely chopped

Ginger, same amount as garlic, finely chopped

1½ tsp. salt

4 tsp. agave nectar or 4 dates*

Black pepper to taste

Cayenne pepper to taste

2 cups cold-pressed macadamia nut oil (Cold-pressed corn oil and cold-pressed olive oil are options.)


Makes approximately 3 cups



Place all ingredients except the oil into a blender (the high-speed Vitamix® blender works perfectly). Add about a quarter of the oil and blend until smooth. Slowly add the rest of the oil while the blender is running (it is best to remove only the small inset of the lid to avoid splattering). Refrigerate.



* Note: On March 7, 2013, I made the 3-cup version of the recipe and found it was too sour. I added 4 more tsp. of agave nectar. A taste test of any recipe is always a good idea.


Source: Modified from a recipe graciously shared by my favorite Indian restaurant