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Be sure to use organic, raw cashews.

I generally purchase my cashews from my local health food store. They're organic and raw.

I've learned that cashews can take on different flavors which affect the recipes' outcome. Those I usually buy taste great, are naturally sweet and sort of creamy-tasting. On one purchase, though, I noticed more of a dirt-like flavor. Perhaps it meant there was a higher mineral content, I'm not sure. I queried the store owner about it. She explained that it's a seasonal issue, that it happens every year for about two months. The odd-tasting cashews were purchased in the March/April timeframe.

Some cashews have a slight fragrance of fish. It's usually light and not a significant deterrent. But, I prefer a mild, pleasant smell to cashews. Sometimes there is no fragrance, and those taste great, too.

So, it can be a bit of a hit-and-miss. Now I taste-test before I buy a lot. If they're in a pre-weighed package, I open them in the store and try them; I'll buy that package regardless. If they're in bulk, I buy a small volume, taste-test them, and then decide if I want to buy more. The fragrance can be an indication as well.

Some online sources for cashews are,, Those links are to the specific cashews pages; should any not work, go to the site's basic URL and search for cashews.


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