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1 Roma tomato

2-3 tbsp. cup raw pine nuts

A couple shakes of ground ginger powder or several drops of fresh ginger juice

A few shakes of sea salt

8 basil leaves

Wash the basil leaves and place onto a serving plate.

Wash the tomato and slice into eight 1/8-1/4" slices. Place each onto a basil leaf.

Place the pine nuts, ginger, and sea salt into a mini food processor. Grind together briefly until the pine nuts are in small particles, or grind a bit longer to result in an easy-to-prepare and easy-to-eat paste. Taste the mixture to ensure it has enough salt; add more if desired.

With teaspoons, place a 1/2-teaspoon (or so) of the pine nut mixture onto each tomato slice.

As an alternative, the tomato slices can be placed on the plate first, then the pine nut mixture, then the basil leaves on top. If the tomato seeds and juice tend to fall from the slices, place the basil leaves on the plate first.

The pine nut mixture can be replaced by macadamia butter or other nut butter. Add the ginger and sea salt to each individually.

Makes eight



1 Roma tomato

About 4 tsp. Cashew Cheese

A few shakes of sea salt

8 basil leaves

Wash the basil leaves and place onto a serving plate.

Wash the tomato and slice into eight 1/8-1/4" slices. Place each onto a basil leaf.

Add a dollop of Cashew Cheese. Add a little sea salt.

Also try placing everything on a nice raw cracker: cracker on the bottom, then the tomato, then the Cashew Cheese, then the salt, then the basil leaf.

Makes eight

Source: Glenn Warren


Showing the pine nut mixture version --