
Why Eat Raw & Living Foods?

What is the difference between raw and cooked food?


The answer is very simple:

We are not born with a cooking pot!

Animals don't cook their food. What makes humans think that they need to cook their food? Only because we are humans?

All natural raw food has the full spectrum of vitamins, minerals and living enzymes. All cooked food has only a few heat resistant vitamins and minerals left and NO enzymes. If somebody eats only cooked food, he will miss out on lots of nutrition and enzymes. It is not difficult to imagine how long it would take until the body will get sick with all sorts of diseases.

An iceberg lettuce leaf and a slice of tomato on a hamburger is not the "raw food" we are talking about for healthy functioning of the body. A vegan or vegetarian who is "hooked on soy" is not helping themselves either, as most soy products are not raw.

All food that is heated above 105°F / 42°C has no enzymes anymore, that includes pasteurized fruit juices. Heating and frying the foods changes the chemical substance and even creates toxins.

What are the benefits of Raw Food? 

What is the solution?

The ideal way of eating would be of course 100% raw. We grew up in a cooking society. That is not easy to change. But it is very easy to enhance the SAD diet (Standard American Diet - or Sad American Diet) with as many Raw & Living Foods as possible.

If we try to replace at least 50 to 70% of our SAD diet with Raw & Living Foods, lots of diseases would disappear just like that. Immune systems would remain intact. Lots of people would not be hooked on drugs and chemical medicine anymore. So many people healed themselves of digestion problems, asthma, depression, allergies, diabetes, colitis, cancer, HIV, ADD, heart diseases and many more. People are losing weight easily, without counting calories and fat. People feel and look younger, the skin changes and glows, and eyes are sparkling. The energy increases as people don't constantly feel tired anymore.

The benefits are endless!

Of course there are enzymes and supplements out there, pressed into pills and powder. Some might be good, some simply unnecessary. Honestly, do they taste like fresh Raw Living foods? Do they grow on trees, on fields, in soil? Do they replace the taste of a basket of delicious strawberries? Or a tasty fruit salad with the fruits of the season? Do these supplements satisfy your taste buds? You can answer these questions yourself.

There's more to Raw Foods than just fruits and vegetables. There is so much more to raw food that can spoil everybody's taste buds. Just look up the catering page of our Web site. Raw & Living foods bring Good Mood into everybody's life. Our goal is to spread good moods out there... to you...with Good Mood Food!

Just feel free to contact us with your questions.

